The Book
IF MY TRUTH BE TOLD (working title) is about a successful-appearing adult held captive by a tumultuous childhood who takes up the journey to release her secret demon and free her authentic self. Snakes, fires, floods, and childhood trauma color her days. Fans of Bessel van der Kolk’s, Body Keeps the Score, or Stephanie Foo’s What My Bones Know, will appreciate the triumph and dogged determination of this protagonist. Anyone touched by CPTSD, or who grew up defined by silence, pain, and father-daughter conflict, will find inspiration and hope. An epic story of harvesting strength from adversity to find deep happiness…
Publication date to be determined.
“Your presentation was nothing short of phenomenal…your ability to connect to the audience was truly remarkable…thank you for being a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for all of us.”
Leslie Espinoza, Executive Director, Superior Chamber of Commerce
Quotes from Dr. Cheryl