Mother’s Day Greetings

Mother’s Day is this Sunday. It is a time when grandchildren have traditionally visited their grandmothers. I hope that lots and lots of grandmothers get to see their grandchildren this year after our long, COVID lockdown. I know many parents are aching to see their adult children too. Mother’s Day is a time for flowers. We used to give my grandmother an orchid corsage for Mother’s Day. She loved it. You can see my daughter greeting me with flowers many years ago! It is, and always shall be, one of my favorite pictures.

Mother’s Day is doubly hard for for mothers and grandmothers with dementia, depending on their stage. Some will appreciate a bakery treat, a bouquet, or a card. Some might appreciate new pajamas. Others will not. I hope you find a way to make your appreciation known. As the curtains begin to close on a life, it is all that matters.

Happy Mother’s Day to you and to every nurturing woman on the planet!


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